and the tag keeps on goin!

1) What is the single largest item in your house?
heh?fridge?me?the sofa?dunno.myb perut rakan2 ku?haha

2)How well can you write your name with your non dominant hand?
utter failure.mohohoho (santa caluse msia in action.yeah!)

3)What color is your bedroom?
plain white.bosan kn.umah sewa.ddk smpai bln 7 je pn.kang adjust2 jd lawa xnk blk kl plak kn kn? hehe

4)What type of computer mouse do you use?
hamster.yeah! (korang pkai mouse ap brg)

5)Do you take vitamins?
i take ice creams.does that count? bkn dlm eskim ad vitamin b5 b6 b7 :@) ke??

6)When did you first become interested in sex?
hahaha.wth??soklan ap ni? perv ke yg tag b??

7)What do you have set as your home page?
google! yeah sep skit =;

8)Who is on your speed dial?
mama,abah :(, umah, activ10, eherm you know who, rumate utp, *100#, ernie tembam, *122#

9)Do you prefer lightbulbs or candles?
haha betol! candlelight! miss everything ok? owh sorry miss.nepal tu blablabla.. woah! abes mr kt sbelah ni ap?invi la kn! cit! taw la ak "cerah" cm tayar kn kn! huh!

10)What are you sitting on right now?
on my tgh x?tilam ntok baring ak ddk la kn.siap sile panggung lg

11)Do you look at yourself when you pass by reflective surfaces?
only when nobody's around. taf la katekn :)>-

12)Did you play with shaving cream when you were a kid?
hurm xpnah skang?jambang sepah sane sni. sape pnya keje ni? cis cis

13)What is your favorite flavor of lifesavers?
lifesavers? gapo dio? nate gapo tuh?

14)What is the best halloween costume you have ever worn?
owh.jd perompak.helmet arc.ngn raincoat (panas ok!) siap bwk parang. prank plg berjaya abad ini! yeah! cuak ko peja.pitam ko.hahah

15)What kind of soap do you use?
haaa.faveret nih.p*lmolive spa kale aquamarine ;) :)) tutup kale putih! yeah sep blk =;

16)How many icons do you have on your dekstop?
sume telah di hidekn dgn selamatnye.tgk tuan la.bersih suci murni hensem taf!

17)Do you understand how telephones work?
taw2.bak kate malson mraz. Oh just remember the telephone works both ways. eh awk! h*tlink antu merah la!bkn kuning!

18)What is the prominent color in your closet?
mcm2.kalerful.sbb campur ngn kwn pnya baju skali cm byk kale tayar je.

19)What is sitting next to you right now?
>-) (sile type dlm ym memasing yee)

20)Do you believe in lots of conspiracies?
yeah! perang kt blog shaz! haha jom sakat azwa kt status jom2. tunggu die on nnti.haha

21)Have you ever made your own clothing?
yes! mesti la. LV tu korg ingat sape pnya? hahaha yeah right. LV as in Loser Vain.

22)Are you a really fast text messager?
tgk time.waktu fajar menyinsing,agak laju
waktu matahari tegak di kepala.sgt laju
waktu tiada matahari.slow n steady.bru laa feel.

23)Do you usually write in print or in cursive?
haa ni depends, ok let me give you a situation la. perkara ni berlaku las 2 sem. yakni paper thermodynamics II. ok 1st hour .pacak tegak cm tiang pnya (print). selepas 3minit kemudian kesejukan yg ditanggung xdpt lg ditahan, waktu menjawab hanya tinggal stengah jam. soklan ad la lagi sepluh xjawap. damn! this requires some drastic manuevers, dgn kuasa bulan akn meghukumku~ tada~ print type writing bertukar menjadi cursive warrior! dan soklan2 tersebut berjaya diselamatkn. marks terok gak. saintifik sgt kot sambungan2 ak wat tuh.ceh

24)What print is on your plates or cups in your kitchen?
haha.die print aquaria,HL low fat milk,100plus lime, xpkai cawan.kitorg teguk je dr container masing2

25)Have you ever made a mixed cd for someone?
yep! senang je! 1st you take an empty folder and add a little bit of r&b,jazz,hip hop,soul,rock,pop into it.make sure the format is in mp3 format,or wma,ogg or anything you want. add a little bit of equalizing to it. prepare a cd burner and set the burn speed to be 52X. take the folder (containing the songs) and mix it with a nero express software. mix it until your satisfied. add some more songs to it.fancy metal? dont hesitate.add it to your mixture. and then you place a cd in the burner. when the cd is in the burner, start the nero express and left the music for about 3 minutes to be baked into your cd. after that, the trey will eject and wallah~ you've just baked a mixed cd. then you wrap the cd. put some decorations as in the title you silly~ on top of it. easy? yeah! you bet! mama tgk ank mama da pndai bake cd.haha :P

p/s tekisugi? haha bkn dekisugi ke?


Miss Devilicious said...

10/5 ;)=)

Ginger said...

haha wah byknye point.thanks awk! :D

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